A good attendance record will help students attain proper instruction and excellent grades during their middle and high school careers.
Please help us in our efforts to have all students maintain an excellent attendance record. Students and parents should be aware of the fact that absence and tardiness from school are part of each student's permanent record.
If a student will be absent for all or part of the day, we ask that parents call 812-922-0122 before 9:00 AM to report the absence. You may leave a voicemail by selecting extension 428 for Attendance Voicemail if necessary. If a phone call has not been received for a student by 9:00 AM, a phone call will be placed to the home from our Attendance Secretary.
Excused Absences
Personal Illness
Illness/Death in Family
Funeral *
Required Court Appearance*
Impassable Roads or Weather*
Military Obligation*
Physician/Dentist Appts.*
(School authorities may verify appointments.)
Nurse's Early Dismissal*
Family Trip/Vacation
Other - approved by Principal
Unexcused With Make Up Absences Include:
Missing the School Bus
Oversleeping (2 or more times)
Driver's License Test
Unexcused Without Make Up Absences Include:
*Waived Absences - are not counted against the student in determining loss of credit. All Excused Absences count against the 10-days before loss of credits, unless proper documentation is provided to the Attendance Secretary within 48 hours of the absence. Please see Credit Denial below for more information on this policy.
Classroom instruction at Tecumseh Middle School begins at 7:45 AM. Students who are not in their assigned first period class by 7:45 AM are tardy to school. All students must report to the Office immediately upon entering the building when arriving after 7:45 AM.
We appreciate a call when you tell us your son/daughter will be late, but lateness to school is recorded as unexcused after the first offense unless a valid note is presented on the day of the lateness (see above for valid reasons). Students arriving late from an appointment with a physician should bring in a note from the physician.
If a student is absent from an entire period due tardiness, they are marked absent from that period, and not just tardy. For example, a student oversleeps, and arrives to school at 8:40 AM. They are marked Absent from 1st period, and Tardy to 2nd period.
Dismissals should be avoided if at all possible, and to be recorded as excused, the dismissal must meet the criteria for excused absences listed above. If a student becomes ill during school hours, they should report to the nurse who will contact parents and arrange for the students to return home if necessary.
Tecumseh Middle School is now using the Ident-A-Kid software to monitor all student activity in and out of our building on a daily basis. Our school requires all parents who pick up a student early from school to sign out each student on the computer provided in the office. Information requested when signing a student out are: Student Name, Reason for Leaving, and Person Responsible.
It is the policy of the Warrick County School Corporation that any student who misses eleven (11) days of school in any semester cannot earn credit in the course(s) where this amount of time has been lost. A letter is sent home when a student has missed 7 times in any of their classes, and another letter is sent when the student has missed 10 times. If a parent can demonstrate just cause to explain these excessive absences, they need to contact Mr. Keith Page, Principal at Tecumseh Middle School to arrange for a hearing. If contact to arrange for a hearing is not made by you within 10 school days from the date listed above, the penalty (loss of credit) will be automatically imposed.